Archives de catégorie : Informatique et technologie

Golang: lack of generics bothers me

I think I will give up Go, mainly because of the lack of generics. What bothers me is that I can’t see how to write all-purpose algorithm functions like the ones C++ have (I love them), like for example «std::remove_if». Without them, you will have to write the same little pieces of code again, and again, and again. Or use cast everywhere (not great for a language with strong static types).
The built-in functions (like «copy») can do such a magic, but you, developer, can’t.
Oh, it’s possible to do like the package sort: provide to the function an interface that will perform the operations on the data (like «Swap», «Len», «Less»). If I want to implement my «remove_if», implementing such an interface will be a drag.
Same problem if you want to create a generic data structure, like a «set» or a b-tree of anything (interface or native type), and keep the type-safety.

That’s a pity, Go has some great features. Maybe I will try Rust.

One-liner: espace-disque occupé par extension de fichier

Un petit one-liner pour avoir l’espace-disque occupé par extension de fichier. Ne marche peut-être pas avec les fichiers dont le nom a un espace.

find . -type f -printf "%s %f\n" | 
awk '{sub(/.*\./,"", $2);st[$2] += $1} END{for(key in st){print key, st[key]/1000000}}' |
sort -n -k2

Starzik, mauvaise gestion des mots de passe

Je viens de me rendre compte que stocke dans leur base les mots de passe de ses clients en clair, vu qu’ils m’ont renvoyé par mail mon mot de passe perdu. Ça craint. Au lieu de ça, ils auraient dû faire comme tout le monde: stocker un hash et en cas de perte de mot de passe, envoyer un mail avec un lien vers une page de changement de mot de passe. (explication-fiction: un responsable de ce site qui n’a aucune notion de la sécurité a demandé cette « fonctionnalité » et les devs n’ont pu que dire « oui, bien-sûr messire »)

Je crois que je vais m’abstenir d’acheter chez eux tant que c’est le cas. (mise à jour janvier 2017: c’est toujours le cas)

O-Droid X2: some Ubuntu benchmarks

Power consumption:

  • Boot: 16 watts
  • Doing about nothing: 10 watts (I hoped it would be more like 6W)

Read/Write on the 64Go eMMC card (1Go file). Access on my PC SSD card reader:

  • read: 18.5Mo/s
  • write: 9.5Mo/s

Read/Write on the 64Go eMMC card (1Go file), plugged on the Odroid:

  • read: 47Mo/s
  • write: 30Mo/s

Some processor tests. Bad surprise, Firefox is slower than on my Nexus 10. Maybe the ARM «desktop» version of Firefox is not as optimized than the Android one.

Mp3 compression with Lame:

  • AMD Athlon II X4 620: 13s
  • ODroid X2: 35s (x2.7)

Firefox 21, Sunspider 1.0:

  • AMD Athlon II X4 620: 318ms
  • ODroid X2: 868ms (x2.7)
  • Nexus 10: 761ms (x2.4)

Firefox 21, Kraken 1.1:

  • AMD Athlon II X4 620: 4277ms
  • ODroid X2: 14871ms (x3.5)
  • Nexus 10: 9316ms (x2.2)

Chromium 25, Sunspider 1.0:

  • AMD Athlon II X4 620: 370ms
  • ODroid X2: 950ms (x2.5)

Chromium 25, Kraken 1.1:

  • AMD Athlon II X4 620: 4049ms
  • ODroid X2: 12764ms (x3.1)


Mon premier scam téléphonique

J’ai reçu aujourd’hui un coup de fil d’un gars qui appellait de la part de «Windows», car mon ordinateur serait infecté. Un gars parlant anglais, avec un accent indien. M’appelant en France, sur mon fixe. Sûrement pour me faire installer des malwares et me soutirer du pognon. Je n’ai pas insisté parce que ce n’est pas la peine de perdre mon temps à le convaincre que c’est immoral (en plus d’être illégal). (en plus je n’ai même pas de Windows, quelle ironie)

J’avais lu un article de Ars Technica là dessus il y a pas mal de temps.

Le clavier bépo Typematrix et moi, un bilan contrasté

Mise à jour de mes impressions quelques mois plus tard.

J’ai acheté il y a 1 an et demi un clavier Bépo (disposition des touches ergonomique et vraiment adaptée au français) de marque Typematrix, puis un deuxième récemment pour le boulot, et voilà le bilan contrasté que j’en fait.

Continuer la lecture

Nexus 10: good stuff and disappointments

After a few days of use, I can say that the Nexus 10 is quite a nice device. I was a little bit disappointed that:

  • I struggled so much to login the first time using my Google account (mandatory to use the tablet). After many attempts, I could login using the browser interface (and not the native interface)
  • During these attempts, I tried to change the keyboard layout, and I found myself stuck in the keyboard configuration because the button 「back」is not present at this stage (what a stupid bug). I had to reboot to try again.
  • Transferring files using MTP (official way using USB) or FTP (limited by the wi-fi bandwidth) is super slow. Using ADB gave a descent 5Mo/s, but come on, using a debugging tool for such a thing is a shame
  • Charging the battery takes forever if you are using the device (I even wonder if it is charging at all).
  • The autonomy is not impressive
  • No cover is present in the package (my EEE-PC had one for a smaller price)
  • I had a complete freeze after starting Chrome once (I barely use it), and I am not the only one
  • These random reboots, grrrr (lost some work)
  • Sometimes, the automatic time sync get wrong by exactly 10 minutes, and the only solution is to disable it
  • Some apps look really ugly on a tablet

Now the good points:

  • Android 4 is really nice to use, not perfect, but really nice
  • Always very responsive, it doesn’t feel like a computer or a phone but like a physical object. It always reacts immediately. That is so great not to have to wait (well, excepted for network comm). On my (fast) PC, if I start Kate, I have to wait a few seconds (wait for a text-editor to start!?). On my Android phone, switching from an app to another is sometimes slow because of the lack of memory.
  • Even Firefox is fast (on my phone its start-up is slow)
  • Does not come with crap like Facebook or trial apps you will never use
  • The screen looks sooo great
  • Voice search is fun (even if it doesn’t always work well)
  • Using voice recognition (not) to type is also fun

I was a little bit sceptic at first, but I may become one of those who use their computer once in a while. Well, I will still need it to edit my Anki packets, type long emails, edit Openstreetmap, order and edit my photo, write code and things like that, but I have to admit that for the rest (browsing and reading, listening to music,  endless watching pointless streaming video) the concept is fantastic (thanks Steve).